Ped Egg Bare Nails
Ped Egg Bare Nails
Ped Egg Bare Nails
Ped Egg Bare Nails
Ped Egg Bare Nails

Ped Egg Bare Nails

Regular price $60.00 Sale price $24.95

About PedEgg Bare Nails

PedEgg Bare Nails is a handheld nail buffer that promises it will shine your nails to a naturally beautiful high-gloss finish. They state PedEgg Bare Nails is easy to use, portable enough to take anywhere, and will give your nails a glossy sparkle in just 2 steps.

How does PedEgg Bare Nails make my fingernails shine?

PedEgg Bare Nails is a cordless nail polishing device that comes with 2 different heads (the type of battery it uses was not included in the infomercial or website and customer service had no further information). PedEgg Bare Nails claims its secret is the “mineral-based micro finishing technology”, which translates into a buffing roller and a shining roller that spin.

To use PedEgg Bare Nails, they instruct you to first use the buffing roller, which they claim will smooth out ridges or imperfections. Then, they tell you to switch to the shining roller, which they promise will create a glossy, long lasting shine in seconds that they insist will last for days.

PedEgg Bare Nails touts it uses no chemicals and is perfect for wearing your nails naked or prepping them for nail polish and adds that men can use it too.